Beaver Island Golf Course
A Wee Bit of Scotland on America's Emerald Isle
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  Golf Course Rules  
Hole 1 Beaver Island Golf Course


U.S.G.A. rules govern all play except where modified by local rules.

Out of bounds: Boundary of the course porperty or the white stakes

Cart paths and roadways are artificial obstructions.

Young trees interfering with stance or swing; ball may be dropped either side within two club lengths, not nearer the hole, without penalty.

Ball in pond on hole 4 or 7 (water hazards), drop the ball no nearer hole and add one penalty stroke.

Use winter rules only on the fairways.

FOR YOUR SAFETY, stay out of water hazards.  They are dangerous!

PLEASE replace your divots, repair your ball marks, and rake your tracks out of the sand traps.

Copyright © 2007-2020 Beaver Island Golf Course . Web Design by Island Design . Aerial & Tournament Photography by Still Point Photography